
AI Art Projects and Workshops by Artem Konevskikh


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Team: Eli Joteva, Provides Ng, Yanzi, Artem Konevskikh
Keywords: ai, art, attention economy, video, volumetric ai, volumetric cinema

‘Current’ is a collaborative digital practice driven by an interest in the reciprocal relationships between virtual and physical spaces. Through the medium of volumetric cinema, ‘Current’ delineates the multiplicity of futures in the attention economy and its material manifestation. An interdisciplinary, intercultural collective based in China/Russia/Europe/UK/USA, we are a team of architects, researchers, artists, CG animators, engineers, data analysts, and programmers working at the intersection of art, science, and technology. ‘The Current Team’ denotes its broader network of Creative Commons - we experiment first-hand with digital technologies readily available to individuals, designing distributive pipelines to support a ‘collaborative intelligence’ - the democratization of intelligent tools into a crowdsourced, problem-solving network. ‘Current’ has exhibited and taught worldwide, including Rijksmuseum Twenthe, UABB 2022, The Bartlett UCL, GOGBOT festival, CultureHub LA, UCLA Sci | Art Lab, SUPERCOLLIDER Gallery, and more.

Current Film

Research Video

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