
AI Art Projects and Workshops by Artem Konevskikh


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Team: Maria Kuptsova, Korbinian Enzinger, Sergey Kostyrko, Beyza Nur Armagan, Gleb Andreev, Maria Muzyka, Riccardo Mangili, Artem Konevskikh
Keywords: ai, art, collaboration, nature

ARBOR is a bio-artificially grown, cyborganic living object that challenges traditional understandings of life cycles in both biological and technological forms. The project uses machine learning algorithms to read the intelligence of organic timber structures and proposes a regenerative system that allows for the development of adaptive fabrication methods informed by research in material behavior. Additive manufacturing techniques and wooden-based material systems have been investigated through large-scale 3D printing experiments, providing new insight into how bio-printing can be used to develop novel approaches for timber construction. The project introduces the concept of a cyborganic living object and challenges the processes of growth, decay, and ontogenesis.

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