
AI Art Projects and Workshops by Artem Konevskikh

Noise Room

Noise Room
Keywords: art, vr

The "Noise Room" art project is a research-based exploration of the intersection between media and information theory within the context of virtual reality (VR). The project uses Magic-Eye images, which present a 2.5D image when viewed correctly, to examine the relationship between dimensionality and technology in VR, and how it impacts our perception of space.

The project draws heavily from the work of Claude Shannon, widely considered to be the father of information theory. Shannon's theory of communication states that "The fundamental problem of communication is that of reproducing at one point either exactly or approximately a message selected at another point." (Shannon 1948). The artist in this project explores this concept by encoding the image using noise patterns, thus questioning the transmission of messages and how noise can affect it.

The VR room is designed with a noise aesthetic, and the ambient music is generated by converting the image into a sound wave, emphasizing the connection between noise and information. These elements relate to the concept of the medium being the message, where the medium of VR is used to change our perception of dimensionality and how we process information.

The "Noise Room" project illustrates how media can shape our understanding of the world by altering the way we perceive dimensionality and process information.

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